Got my BFP last night. I’m so excited but still in shock. This will be my first baby. Any advice?! I’m freaking out



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My advice is no advice. Sounds weird but seriously everyone birth experience, and parenting are differ than anyone else’s. Do my advice is no advice. Just go with your gut in scary situations. I will say though only take advice from other parents. (Not the baby sitter or someone who teaches a classroom) only get parenting advice from other parents and weigh out if that’s a structure that will adapt to your household nicely. I will also add that:The first year I’d the hardest ONLY BECAUSE YOUR ADJUSTING TO YOUR NEW NORM. you will catch up on your sleep and it all does it easier I promise. Never take for granted your blessings and be thankful every day for being able to create life. Your body will have created a miracle... marvel over that. Love all of yourself. Cheris the small moments. Those will be the ones you’ll miss. There’s only a small window of childhood memories you will create for your baby. Relish in those moments and help create great memories or your child.


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