First scan of this pregnancy

Kylie • Engaged 👫 Mummy to oscar 3, dillan forever 20 days old 👼💙 Step mummy to jordan 8 and Due july 2020 😍👶

Hello little bean 🥰

Needed a dating scan as I have to have a cvs at 11 weeks. Thought I was 8+6 turns out I'm 8+2. Cant have cvs at 11 weeks as it hits on christmas so now been pushed back to 12 weeks.

Found a pool of blood outside the sac, said nothing to worry about for now and also found a huge fibroid... yey me NOT

But on the plus side baby is doing well so far and got so see the little flicker of its heart 😍😍

Just hoping baby ain't got the fatal syndrome my little boy passed away of last year. 🤞🤞🤞