My mom is amazing

Sydni • 05/15/2019 👼🏼/ 🌈👶🏻 July 2020 💙

So I’m the second sister in my family that has had a miscarriage early in their pregnancy and I’ve found out that I am 10 weeks along as of today which is much further than I was last time and I actually had my HCG levels tested and I’m 126,482. I’ve kept my mom updated a lot because she’s a midwife and she’s helped me to eat properly and what other vitamins I need to be having, at first it was hard to talk about my miscarriage because no one in my family understood how heartbreaking it really was. My mom really tried to understand and yesterday just threw me into anxiety while I went to get checked out for a UTI

Growing up I didn’t really think my mom would mean that much to me, but now that I’m older I’ve grown a deeper appreciation for her and I love her so much. I’m hoping my babe will keep growing I don’t have an official ultrasound until Monday and I’m crossing my fingers that all is well. I can’t wait for babe to meet my mom because she is a wonderful lady and has so much love for little ones.



I love all of you who are trying, you will get your babies. I’m praying for each of you because you all deserve to be moms❤️ never give up, god gives his challenges to the strongest warriors. You all got this!!!!