Sleep......whats that?

Ok so at 10 am i finished my last day of my 6 day work week. I clocked 10 overnight hours. So at like 10 am I started my 24 hour weekend and so did my husband. Well my youngest sis who is in Jr high is at a birthday party. My dad said that I will need to pick her up. I have a 4 month almost 5 month old baby as well and its in the 30s here. Well I get a text on my phone from my dad saying call me. He says your sister needs a ride home. So im like ok let me warm the car up, change the baby, bundle him up and I'll be on my way. Its also 6pm at night...... He says call your sis make sure she is ready. So I do. She isn't ready she might be ready when our mom gets off work (Our mom is getting off at 10 pm tonight).... she don't know she'll call. So now I get to wait up even though im dead tired and just want a nap. And then when I do get the call well I have to get a baby ready and take him out. No one else can go get her. She knows what time I go into work and what time I get off. She an intelligent girl so she knows that im tired. My dads at work till 6 am and in his last hope. When I called she was playing make up. I say playing because she never wears it. This birthday party started at 2 and its now 6 and she isn't ready to come home. I get to wait up on this call instead catching naps when my baby sleeps and resting up on my, no joke, 24 hour weekend, before I start my next 6 day work week. Sorry in just upset and feel like this is unfair. I'll gladly pick her up thats not a problem the problem is no sleep.