After 2.5 years TTC


After all this time 😭 after all the negative tests I stared at for hours. After all those times I cried because AF showed up. After all those times I cried myself to sleep thinking I would never have my own child. AFTER ALL THIS TIME I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD SEE THIS.

I am a first time <a href="">IVF</a>’er in the UK. We were not funded by the NHS because my partner had a child from a previous relationship, so we had to foot the bill ourselves. We only got 2 blasts from 22 eggs, I thought this round was a bust. But, my god, they put one back in and 11 days later this happened.

I know my miracle was from <a href="">IVF</a> but just goes to show, even when you think you’re never going to be a mum 😭😭😭😭😭 it may not be the end of the road for you. Never give up.

(Just out of interest, is this second line dark enough for 11dp5dt (16dpo))?