Dreaded News Your Employer Does Not Want to Hear 🙄

Ashley • TTC with PCOS🤞🏽#armywife 💍 #bonusmom 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦#pcoswarrior 💪🏽 #iuichampion 🤘🏽#csectionmama 👶🏽 #vbacchamp 🏆

Did anyone have a problem telling their supervisor or employer they’re pregnant???

I started a new job recently and while at the interview I wasn’t aware that I was pregnant. I told my supervisor (office manager) last week at 9 weeks.

She explained that they “wanted someone that was going to be here,” and she didn’t want me to be “stressed at work because it’s not good for you or the baby.”

She also mentioned how they got burned for someone hiding their pregnancy.

She suggests I tell the doctors separately and privately this week...

First of all, I’m not hiding anything. AND 9 weeks is early to tell my employer when I haven’t told all of my family including my step children. I just feel like..I’m being chastened or scolded for being pregnant. My capabilities are blinded by pregnancy. I take my career and whatever job I’m doing seriously. This is my first pregnancy and I’m really bummed by this ☹️