
So I last had my period in october. (The 11th) I had sex with a guy I had been with who already has his ex before me, 4 months in and expecting in like may. We had sex October 18th, and November 2nd. I have not had my period since the 11th of October and I'm scared as all hell that I'm pregnant. I took 3 tests all came back negitive. (I think, I didn't know till like 10 minutes ago that there could have been a faint line. So I didn't look hard and just made a quick glance.) I'm currently extremely bloated, nauseous all the time. Weird cravings that I never get not even before my period. And certain smells make me want to vomit. My friend hit me in the stomach (Not hard) and I dropped to the floor bc a wave of nausea and dizziness hit me. I'm peeing all the time, lots abominable pain. I don't know what to do. Every time we did it, WE USED PROTECTION. Please don't call me dumb. Yes I am 16, I'll be 17 in the beginning of January. I just need to know others opinions on what I should do or if I might be experiencing something else.

I'm not stressed, (well i am now that I'm in a pregnancy scare) I have ovarian cis(s). I'm not on the pill due to my body reacting bad to it. And I couldn't afford plan b. What are your guys thoughts?