ACL tear, 30 weeks

Quick recap.....I have been very active during this pregnancy (running, tennis, frisbee, badminton, you name it and I was doing it... I’m a HS PE teacher and I do EVERYTHING if not more than my students)

Well, everything was going great until my 2 Great Danes too my right knee out (felt the pop, had the pain and swelling). I went to the ER and they did not do MRI bc they didn’t have it available. I went to the athletic trainer at my school that works through the hospital system. She is almost certain I’ve torn my ACL. She said I need to get fluid drained off of my knee before anyone will do an MRI bc the swelling is so bad. I believe she is setting me up an appointment this week. I know I won’t be able to have surgery until well after baby is born.

I want to continue staying “in shape” during this pregnancy but at this point I’m lost on how to do so. This injury happened exactly a week ago and I’m already going nuts.

I am looking for moms who have gone through or know anyone who has gone through something similar and can help me with where I go from here? What can I do exercise wise with a possible torn ACL (will be 31 weeks on Friday). Also, if you know of a situation like mine, what are my treatment options at this point?

I would really appreciate any input! Thank you mamas!