Is my baby eating normally?

Jessica • army wife • dog mom • 🌱

Hey, guys. I’m exclusively pumping (except for when she’s hungry outside of her scheduled feedings) to feed my 2 week old daughter. She started out eating 2 oz every 3 hours and has quickly increased how much she eats. She’ll be 3 weeks on Wednesday and she’s taking about 5 oz every three hours, occasionally needing a top off after about 30 minutes to an hour. When that happens, I’ll breastfeed her anywhere between 5 - 15 minutes on the side that usually only yields about 2 oz during pumping sessions at most. My husband and I both burp her pretty well every time she eats and has never spat up, but when she does it’s s not a significant amount of milk at all. Typically it’s only a dribble. About the same amount of a typical drooling baby. We also take a break in the middle of feeding to change her diaper and burp her before finishing.

Does this seem normal? How much was your baby eating at this age? I know all babies are different but I’m worried I’m over feeding her :/