Omg I think I’m pregnant AGAIN 😭😭😭


Ok so I have a 14 month old. Me and my boyfriend have been together since my baby was 1 month old. We previously dated 4 years ago for 5 months too, so we have some history. We had a pregnancy about 7 months ago and I terminated it because I felt like it was too soon. He was really upset about it because he wanted another baby really bad... he has two kids on his own 10 & 15. So he feels like it’s now or never.

Ok so long story short he’s been trying to get me pregnant ever since... and we’re in the process of breaking up.. because I caught him cheating with his ex that he’s still in love with lol. There’s so much more to the story 🥴😩 I just wanna get to the point though. Basically my period is supposed to come tomorrow and I have no signs of it and Last weekend I was throwing up after 4 shots which is NOT like me at all. And I’m just scared that now Im possibly pregnant while we’re in the process of breaking up 😩😩😩