Just breathe...

So we have been ttc all summer no luck.. Then my man gets an opportunity to work this job doing welding sad part the job is in Texas... So we talk about it and agree its too good to pass up and we will be fine ... He left a few days before Thanksgiving we talk everyday and had our ups and downs trying to work threw time change and our new communication schedule well the 1st was my 30th birthday i didn't celebrate at all i went to work and was pretty sad he didnt even call when i got home from work i realized i didn't start my period so because it was still my birthday i took a pt.. Sure enough two pink lines so i call my hubby to let him know but before i could get out the news he tells me he's gonna be work in Louisiana not Texas and instead of being gone 6 months he's going to be gone 18 months 💔 since this conversation i have told him of our competition but he says things like we will FaceTime everyday .. and text and talk

A part of me is like i need to support the decision we made about this job and keep my month shut about my feelings but then i have this whole other side where im like what an asshole you are going to miss everything and he is the one who insist on having one more and talking threw the phone is not the same and not fair to me

Idk - im hurt and if i try to tell him he just gets defensive saying he's trying to do whats best for the family but i dont know how being a part for 18month is whats best and how we arent included