There Was Nothing In There 2 Wks Ago.


Last 2 weeks have been hell. Went AnE twice and bleed for the masses. Finally after 6 days of blood and clots, I had a blood test done and was told my HCG level was at 30 000 and they would do a scan.

In the scan they called each other and would not show me the screen, all they kept saying was “Its Negative!!!”. I was told to leave the room and wait in the consultation room.

I waited close to 15 mins and a nurse came in with bad news. “Sorry your scan was inconclusive, we can see a gestation sac and no embryo.” “Your HCG levels are so high that we should be seeing something, but unfortunately there is nothing in there.”

I was gutted, thinking all those symptoms, throwing up and bleeding for nothing. She assured me it’s common and happens a lot in older women. I am 41 and soon enough, my body would remove the sac and I would be given a pill to help cleanse my womb, which was that day filled with blood. As the Gyno actually said the bleeding was originating from inside the womb.

Cutting this long story shorter, she said come back in 10 days we will do a follow up scan and offer you the pill. It was the longest 10 days ever and all pregnancy symptoms seem to disappear except for cramps, back ache and swollen feet.

Yesterday was d-day and I went in so heartbroken and even the nurse read my notes and looked sad for me.

She asked to do an internal scan so I had to empty my bladder. Went in feeling like crying. Had told baby daddy and whole family there is no baby.

Started scan and 5 mins in she stopped. “I see something she said, it has a heart and beating real fast.” I screamed, “WHAT!!!” She said, “Yes, there is your baby,” with the biggest grin ever. I could just feel tears roll down my eyes. What a little fighter... 6 weeks and 3days yesterday.

My friends think it was too small to see, but since 2 months ago my period was off, I was throwing up and ill in bed. HCG (30 000) measured an almost 8 weeks old embryo. Even the whole Gyno team where shocked to find nothing but there was something in there.


Jeremiah 1:5 is real is my message for those who have FAITH. Speak to the creator, he listened to me screaming at him and finally giving up and letting go and let His will be done.