Insecurities are taking over, but I don't want it to affect my current relationship :/


Hi, there's this guy I'm seeing/talking to. We both admitted that we both like each other, we aren't seeing other people, and we only want to be with each other (he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet, so it's kind of unofficial).

I'm extremely happy of the outcome, but I'm doubting myself again and I'm terrified. I've had insecurities from past relationships. My main insecurity is that I'm not good enough. My ex cheated on me over 4 years ago, blamed me for it and everything that was wrong in our relationship, and it made me feel so terrible. Because of that I felt that I was replaceable and I wasn't good enough for anyone. It affected the relationship following that and it didn't last long. I stayed single for a few years and learned to get over this insecurity and acknowledge the fact that my ex was an asshole.

Now that I'm happy with the current person, I'm starting to doubt myself again and there is no reason for me to feel this way. He has been nothing, but amazing to me. I've never felt so secure with someone, but the insecurity ocassionally comes back and I'm scared of "relapsing" again.

I don't want to self-destruct and lose the current guy because I could see myself with him long-term. Any advice you could give me on how to deal with this?