Needing some support...

Morgan • 🌻

I am absolutely torn right now and I’m just needing some help. My boyfriend and I were about to celebrate our two years together next week. But just recently he has decided he wants to move on. I am a big animal lover and my best little friend named bunny, my bird just passed away the day after he told me. So that isn’t helping this whole situation either. We are still living together until this Saturday. With her passing and him moving on I’m just so broken. I had another home lined up with a friend of mine but she recently decided she wanted to find something bigger and better. I’m just mad about that because we applied and my credit got ran and I got approved. A couple of months ago I lost my job so I stacked up debt and my credit dropped. I was working on rebuilding it, it finally got to a point where it got approved. I can’t apply for another place to live because now my credit is in a place it won’t get approved again. Plus I can’t afford the other places in my area. I looked for months to find that place. I will talk a little more about the breakup. I am very close to his entire family, extended family too. I just in fact got back from a cruise with his family less than a month ago. I have a very special bond with them all, his mom considers me as her daughter and his sisters are like my sisters now. A 2, 12, and a 16 year old girl, and a 18 year old boy. His mom and I are closer than ever. I’m just so hurt because I thought everything was ok. The only reason he is ending it is because he wants to move on and go to school. We are both only 20 years old, but I feel like if you really loved someone you wouldn’t do that to go to school. You work things out together. We have been living together now for a year, he says he’s just burnt out. While I’m still sitting here in love with him. How did this happen and how can I let go? We have agreed to still be friends after and his mom isn’t letting me go, and I don’t want to let go either. I will still be seeing his family and him but I’m just hurt. I really thought he would be the one for me, we have been through so much together, I just don’t get what happened. Not even that long ago we talked about where we wanted to go on our honeymoon... I had been noticing for a couple of months that he started fading away. Now because he is only 20 he is of course obsessed with video games. But it started getting to be a lot. Every time I would get home from work he would immediately get in and play with his friends until about 12am. Or he would just get up and leave to hang out with his friends right as I got home. I was asking him if everything was ok, and he kept saying yes. It just got to the point where he would make dinner before I got home, and ignore me all day. I finally just hounded him enough asking him what was going on and he finally let out that he was burnt out of me. There are so many other things I can add on but then this would all turn into a novel. I just don’t understand because he’s still the most caring guy I’ve ever met. I guess I’m just needing some support on how to handle the actual break up. I should mention that on June 21st he did try to break up but regretted it almost immediately and asked for me to come back. And it was for the reason that he wanted to go to school. I’m worried if I try to move on he will want me back and of course because I will always love him I will take him back. I just need advice. I just feel like I’ve lost everything, I won’t have a home, I don’t have him, and I lost my bird.