How soon can you take a blood test?


My period is 7 days late but I’ve been getting negative results from my HCG strips.. I stopped ovulating like 2 weeks ago. I’m thinking about going to PPH to do a blood test but idk when I should go. I want to today but idk if it’s too soon? I saw something about 10 days after missed period for a blood test? Does anyone know if it’ll detect sooner?

I honestly am just tired of buying pregnancy tests all the time, especially now where I live almost all of them are locked away and waiting for assistance makes things more unnecessary than it needs to be.

Also I don’t want to have to buy them because the last several months my period has been acting funny (June: 7 days late, July: 18 days late, August: nothing, September: bled for 12+ days at the very end of September and the beginning of Oct, November: Normal...). This time does feel I little different though and I’m hoping that I do see a positive but I just don’t wanna pay for tests just for more negatives 😪