Being in a relationship with anxiety - advice?

Some background: I have social anxiety and quite a bit of anxiety in general, which I was diagnosed with at a young age. It caused me in the past to be hesitant to get romantically involved with anyone. I recently was put on CBD oil which has made me feel significantly better. Before meeting my boyfriend I decided that I was no longer going to let my anxiety and fear of intimacy stop me from being happy, and funny enough as soon as I did that I met my boyfriend! I’ve only been with this guy for 5 months, I’m 22 and he’s my first official relationship. My boyfriend seems like he is understanding, but he doesn’t personally experience anxiety or depression so he doesn’t exactly know what it’s like from a first-hand experience. I sometimes feel like I am teetering on the fence of wanting my boyfriend around me when I’m feeling anxious and stuff and wanting to tell him about it, but it happens so often that I feel at this point like I’m a burden and that I annoy him by turning to him for support for little things such as going to talk to somebody new or going to the grocery store alone; things that I’m sure he probably thinks I’m over-exaggerating on and probably wonders how someone could be so nervous doing those everyday things.

I’m a pretty confident person, and I’m confident in our relationship but this is a part of me that makes me feel like he may think I’m an insecure person. Hopefully anyone who is in a relationship that has anxiety or is in a relationship with someone who has it can comment so I don’t feel so alone.