Can someone please help me? 😕

I just want to talk it out with someone because I feel like I am going crazy. I’m just about 10 months postpartum and have had regular periods (every 28-29 days) since having my son. This month, I am currently 9 days late. And I have no idea why.

I know this is really specific, but here it goes. My last period started 11/3/19 and ended 11/8. I had sex with my husband 11/9, so right when it ended. This was the only time we had sex in the past month. He wore a condom, and actually pulled out before finishing (basically not enjoyable for him 🤦🏻‍♀️ lol) I was avoiding going back on birth control but I think for everyone’s peace of mind I am going to.

So I didn’t think anything of it until I looked at Glow, and realized I was set to get my period. Then it was a day late. Then two. And then I started to panic.

Another really weird thing happened this month...about a week before I was supposed to get my period (so around thanksgiving-ish?) I had a day of a lot of discharge similar to when I ovulate. I thought it was weird that it was so late in the now looking back, maybe I ovulated late? I actually am pretty sure I don’t ovulate smack dab in the middle of a cycle anyways, it’s usually on the later side.

I had to have lab work and testing done on my gallbladder last month which I suppose was stressful, but I feel like I wasn’t any more stressed than any other month.

I’ve taken 4 digital tests all negative, and when I called the doctor they wanted me to come in and take a blood test just in case, and that came back negative too. Last week I had all the symptoms I was getting my period, now they’re gone. I know that stress can delay it, but I can’t turn my brain off. I, for some reason, cannot accept just not getting a period this month for seemingly no reason. I know it’s pretty unlikely that I’m pregnant, but what gives? What do I do?