Crush/married man dream


So this regular (he’s married) comes into my work all the time and over the past few months I’ve developed a crush. It takes a lot for me to like someone. Has to be more than a physical connection for me. After coming in almost every single day for a week, waiting at the back of the store until I’m free, he’d come up and talk to me. Sometimes a little flirty sometimes normal conversation. The past couple times I saw him he acted weird. Barely said anything but had intense eyes(lol). Well last night I dreamed he came in and things got a little hot. We both wanted to get physical😉.. I think we kissed and showed each other affection. He started to kiss me and I pulled back in terror... he’s married. What am I doing??? The last thing I want is to involve myself with a married man. Then I wake up. What does this man? 😒