My heads all over the place ...

Sally • Me & OH have been together 4y ❤️ our #1 is one 💙 & we have just found out we are expecting #2 1st July 2016 💛
Sorry this is gonna be a long post ... Wednesday & Thursday morning i did a PT (from first urine of the morning) both days had very faint pink lines (been read within the ten mins) my period will normally within 1-2days of when its due, AF due between today and sunday, after doing the test i instantly got my hopes up as been trying for baby no2 for four months, i feel bloated and uncomfortable, also been having "cramps" i dont know if its AF on her way, or early pregnancy 😕 and i feel like my bodys trying to tell me that i am, but think im just believeing that i wonna believe, i posted a picture of my test on here last night and got lots of lovelycomments and most people seemed to also think the test was positive.., i showed my OH this morning and he thinks its negative, so now im in doubt, feel soo disapointed, and dont know what to think 😕