Vaginal Rawness


Soooo... has anyone’s partner ever like chemically burnt their lady bits??

Back story: My boyfriend got some new lotion for his parts that’s supposed to keep them dry and prevent chaffing. He used it after his shower the other night then shortly after we had sex.... immediately after sex I started BURNING bad! I rinsed off.. no relief. I finally fell asleep and hoped it would be fine in the morning well... NOPE! Worse! I asked him if he had recently changed anything soap wise down there because I am super sensitive! He then admitted to me about this “crop preserver” lotion.. he said he put it all over his penis along with his balls 😱😳.

GIRLS I’m am hurting so bad. It’s so dry and raw down there. At first I thought yeast infection since the discomfort felt similar... well I’ve had no discharge, itching, or smell. I took the yeast pill just Incase... no relief either. So for now I’m trying to use coconut oil externally and internally to hopefully help. I’m desperate here any other ladies experience this? If so, what did you do that worked?? HELP