I don’t know what to do

My brother is abusive and toxic

I’m 17, in high school, take college classes on campus and have 2 jobs, all I literally do is work and go to school

He abuses my brothers and me (or well he has before and is out to get me now...) over the years the way he acts has progressively gotten worse.. he’ll hit my brother with weights, throw glass bottles at him, etc. my brothers are 15 & 16, my older brother is 23. He beat my little brothers today and now wants to get me...he tries to act like he owns us, acts like he’s our father and we’re his slaves.

I don’t want to be home, I hate it here because of him. I don’t have any friends/a place to go...

These text messages were from tonight, he tried making my brother call me to get me to come out then tried making my mom knock on my door to lure me out so he could beat me. He said he has to train/make plans on how to catch me now...

Sorry that I’m beating you in life you bum, he’s never had a real job, lives at home and acts like a child (still wants my mom to make appts for him is an example). He says I’m gonna leave them when I turn 18, he doesn’t want my brothers to get jobs because he thinks they’ll save up to leave. He said I’m teaching them to get jobs so they can leave. He said he’ll beat them if they get jobs

*excuse the way my brother texts. I’m also choosing to remain anonymous *

Edit- I feel like my parents would defend him and say we’re exaggerating if we got the police involved, boy who knows what would happen to us if we got them involved and they didn’t do anything...she probably is scared of him too...she knows she can’t do anything... I go to online school and don’t feel like at college they’d help you w/ these kinds of things...thank you for your prayer..it means a lot to me 😞❤️. I definitely try to avoid him as much as I can...