Lose of baby brother


Here we are again. It's that time of year. I have a love and hate for this day. I love this day because it was the day you were born, but I hate this day because we have to celebrate without you.

You would be 19 today, a young man. The void of you not being here is still a heavy one. The pain has gotten better, but it will never get easier.

I talk about you to your nephew always. He will never get to meet you but he will know you, I promise you that.

I know that you would be teaching him all you're crazy games, and jokes. You would love him just as I know he would love you.

I miss you so unbelievably much Skyler not a day goes by that I don't. Happy birthday kiddo I love you to the moon and back baby.

This is the last picture we got before he passed away almost 7 years ago.