My Bean!!! Your help is truly needed and wanted, thanks 😘

Cassie • Currently pregnant and I have an amazing 9 year old daughter!!!
Okay so I have a few questions for you ladies and I really need your honesty please and thank you. So let me break this down to you girls. Long story sorry, I found out I was pregnant about 3 weeks ago and I made the appointment with my doctor. So I was and still am unaware of how far I am in my pregnancy, because my body is so bipolar with my monthly cycles and ovulation. Ok so they did my blood work confirmed my pregnancy, with an Hgc of 50.7. Ok then he wanted more blood so the second came up to 337.6. Then he wanted another and it came back to 443 and he did another and it came back 466. So then he stops and tells me that I will lose my baby and that this is definitely a chemical pregnancy so to be waiting to start bleeding in the next few days. So then I tell him what if I don't, he says well we will do a D&C. So that's when I lost it, I went bizzark and I said no I don't think that's what I want to do. Ok now that a week went by and no symptoms of any pregnancy lost. He now wants to do a U/S and more B/W. So we did an U/S, now mind you ladies I don't know how far I am so when we did the U/S nothing came up. So we did more B/W and he never told me the numbers. So this week I had an appointment with another doctor whom I love and we did an U/S and they told me that I was very early into my pregnancy and also did B/W and it came back to 1,700. I will also post a photo of the U/S below. So this week my pregnancy symptoms have increased, I've had extreme morning sickness to the core along with other symptoms ect. So also the second doctor did a culture test, told me the lining of my uterus is very thick and no signs of bleeding and my cervix is closed. So my question to you ladies with everything I've said, do you girls think I could go on with this pregnancy and have a healthy baby or should I be concerned? I have lost so much sleep and the only reason I am feeling relieved really is because the second doctor says she doesn't see any signs of a miscarriage and if something was wrong she would be able to kind of tell from the U/S. We don't know how far I am, but could the development of the baby be a factor? Why did my first doctor think so strongly of something being wrong? He almost had me convinced, but I mean I had no cramping or pain, nor bleeding going on. I mean how can someone be so convinced somethings wrong without even knowing how far along I am? Also he asked did I still feel pregnant and yes I do and my morning sickness is extremely strong. Tell me your experiences or your thoughts and thank you so much ladies!!!