9 pregnancies, 3 living children.


This was my 9th pregnancy... Shot at baby #4.

My daughters are as follows

February 2011

February 2014

And March 2019

I got my BFP on November 29th making us due August 4th. I miscarried the baby December 10th.

The bleeding finally stopped today, I think... Unless it picks back up.

I can't figure out why I keep losing babies and it's taking quite the toll on my mental status.

I've had two 18 week losses - december 2016, july 2017.

A 10 week twins loss - mothers day 2018

A 10 week singleton loss - march 2013

Two 6 week losses - november 2017 and december 2019

But this same situation happened with my youngest daughter.

I lost twin boys on mother's day 2018 and and June 26th we conceived our youngest baby and she was born in March.

Just ugh. Anyone else dealing with anything similar