7 days late symptoms but negative tests???

Probably a bit tmi so warning

i have had bad cramps and diarrhea in the morning past 3 days when i eat i dont feel bad but BLOATED. I am also 7 days late but the day before my period was due (maybe a couple days before) i got these intense cramps that lasted a couple seconds then stop did it twice it was on the sides of my stomach Flash forward to a few days ago ive been getting very flushed in my face and hot my hands will get cold ive been very tired and had a few headaches plus the over all the other problems im also not super hungry either ive tested 2 times with a couple days between each time and the last time was 3 days ago should i wait longer or go ahead and go to a urgent clinic (one of those doctor's offices that stay open late)? Im so confuseddd

ps i dont have a fever so idk whats up