Miscarriage?? OB has no idea


I'm 6+3 weeks today (maybe). I had my pregnancy confirmed at exactly 4 weeks by my OB. This past Saturday (5+6 weeks) I went to the ER for sharp, stabbing, unbearably painful cramps that started on Friday but there was a lot of spotting and clots Saturday morning. I haven't had any significant bleeding but a lot of light pink spotting almost every time I wipe since then (~4 days worth of spotting total, 2 days of passing very small dark red clots). The ER doctor I initially saw told me I had a blighted ovum and expect to miscarry. I was measuring a whole week behind at 4+6 weeks and the sac was completely empty. My hcg levels were low at 1000 and progesterone was nonexistent. My OB rechecked my levels on Monday morning and they were at 1849. She put me on progesterone pills and sent me on my way. I ended up back in the ER yesterday (supposed to be 6+2) because the cramps were so unbearable and my levels had dropped to 1777 BUT the sac had grown and was measuring at 5+2 and none of the clots I was passing were the sac because they said it looked really good in there and it's growing. My OB talked to the ER drs and literally none of them have an answer for me. I just have a gut feeling that I'm miscarrying and it IS a blighted ovum but I can't grieve yet because they keep telling me there's a chance even though I really don't feel there is. I have to wait until Monday to know anything else and it's so hard to function right now. Anyone have any similar stories to share?