Early contractions?

Justyna • Mama to a toddler girl ♥️ and a newborn boy 💙

Yesterday, for about an hour and a half, I had waves of back pain and tons of pelvic pressure. This is the same pelvic pressure I remember having with my first and was told they were contractions (I was hooked up to a monitor so that's how they were able to tell me). Anyway, this went on with no discernible pattern and then stopped.

Then again from 2 to 4 or so this morning, I had the same thing happen. It was so uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep whatsoever. I tried changing positions and drinking water but nothing helped. Eventually, around 430 or 445, I managed to fall asleep. When I woke up I had some stringy, clear, egg white discharge that I THINK may be bits of my mucus plug. On the commute to work, I had a lesser version of the night's events. I had some more of that stringy discharge.

Since I was induced with my first, I don't know what to expect as far as "natural" contractions go. If I judge this by what I experienced before, then I'm thinking I may be experiencing contractions but since they aren't regular or anything, I haven't felt the need to go to the hospital.

Do you think that's what's going on? I had similar experiences a couple times last week, as well. Anyone had a similar experience? I'm 36 weeks and 4 days.

Edited to add: I've also been very restless and jittery lately. And I've been experiencing looser bowel movements more often.