
Alright, I have a question for everyone. What is your definition of a feminist? The topic of feminism in my opinion is talked about a lot. but usually in a way where it’s all about “men are trash” “men suck” and for me it was never about castrating men. it was to bring attention to the fact that as a woman I struggle to be who I am in a society where men dominate. Sometimes it’s not even the men who bring down women. it’s other women bringing us down. something that I see constantly is women getting angry at what men do. but then women turn around and do the same thing to men. The feminist movement has moved from wanting women to be equal and advocating for them to completely trashing everyone who gets in the way of their movement.

So as an 18 year old with a question. I ask you. what do you think? What is your definition of what a feminist is supposed to be?