2 month old preemie weight?!

My daughter was born at 32 weeks weighing 3lbs 8oz she is 2 months old now and weighs 6lbs 12oz, was wondering how much your preemie weighs out of curiosity! Also she was on fortifier and baby rice cereal and I also breastfeed her, but the fortifier and cereal make her gas smell extremely bad like we have to open our bedroom door because it literally will make the room smell and she hasn't stooled in a week. (We go to the doctor tomorrow) but since I've been breastfeeding her more and more she wont take the bottle at all anymore, she will literally let the milk run down her mouth and make a face and get frustrated, but she eats perfectly fine on the breast and does really really well. Has this happened to anyone?! How do I give her the fortifier if she wont take the bottle at all anymore? She is gaining weight steadily everyday, but not nearly as fast as when she was on fortifier.