Ttc with endometriosis.

Hello all, I've just (finally!) Been properly diagnosed with endometriosis. It's been a long journey getting there but a little background info...twice in my life I've been pregnant...both times unfortunately with the wrong person at the wrong time. I've aborted and followed up and everything was fine. I always took consolation in the fact that one day when I'm ready I'll get pregnant with the right guy. Well I found the guy..we've been trying a little over a year.. He has had two kids from a previous relationship. Our fertility doctor has put me through the motions of testing and whatnot to see where my hormone levels are, eggs etc.. I even underwent a laparoscopy and had a cyst removed a month ago (at the same time, he's had a semen analysis to show his sperm count is a bit low and mobility is a bit slow). I also found out following up only one ovary is functioning. They gave us the all clear to try naturally, and if nothing happens still to see our options, perhaps <a href="">ivf</a>. Now they want him to try another semen analysis. We got into a fight when I asked him to go again and he said look I've already had two kids I know the problem isn't with me so I don't need the test. (Mind you his kids are 4 and 3) I'll admit in the heat of the moment I said well, I've gotten pregnant twice but I'm still doing all of this I don't know why it's so hard for you to simply just cum in a cup!!! We slept apart tonight. I don't know, am I wrong for being so hurt over this?? I made a lot of changes and saw A LOT of doctors the past few months and I'll admit I even thought a few times what's wrong with me but to hear my boyfriend is thinking the hurts me pretty bad. Sorry this is so long guys..thanks for reading