Starting to realize...


Starting to realize that we may never have biological children. He has a morphology factor and I don't ovulate.

December has just been really awful. We've both been sick, I had a wreck last weekend, money is so tight right now cause he was out for a few days cause of being sick, I lost my job this week that I tried so hard to keep, anything and everything has been just going wrong. Then on top of that the holidays are always really difficult for me cause of the ones not here to celebrate and seeing family with new babies.

Also some of our family are really expecting us to have an announcement that we are expecting this Christmas and yet, nothing. When we see them and say no, we don't have anything to announce they want updates on what progress we have made towards medically trying things for a baby and we have nothing to say because my husband is scared he's going to get the same result as last time on his sperm.

How do you guys stay cheerful? I don't know what else to do.😣