In response to "the truth about faint lines" post....


Whoever wrote this is an idiot. A) the lines don't "change color" it's not goldenrod. The dye sticks. Evaps with color happen when the dye pools and dries in the indent created by the antibody strip. b) a fertilized egg does not cause the body to create hcg.... Implantation of a fertilized egg does. And c) evaps CAN and often DO have color.

This post does nothing but give false hope to women in denial (and let's face it, we've all wanted to be pregnant so badly that we force ourselves to see a line, or believe a line that shows up after the test has dried is finally it!!!).

If this post were true, I and many others are pregnant every month. We're pregnant right after AF, during ovulation, when we haven't even had sex..... Sometimes every time we take a test. The tests have time frames in the directions for a reason. They've tested them, they've found that the women with lines that showed after the time frame were not pregnant. If this wasn't true, they'd have the directions state "keep the test for a few days and see what pops up".

Whoever wrote this post has little to no actual experience with HPTs. Those of us who are POAS addicts, or have been trying for awhile, those of us who have been members of other apps and boards have seen this more times than we can count.

What I don't understand is all the women here who will argue till their blue in the face, citing this post because this because whoever wrote it claims to be a "clinician" with all this "experience" said so..... Did you not notice this person posted ANONYMOUSLY!!!!! At the very least, if you choose to believe that post.... Try doing some research, Google is a powerful tool that's literally right at your fingertips. Google Image search evaps. Find a pic that looks sort of like yours or looks positive to you, click the link to where it's posted and read the posts this person's made. You'll find many of these women tested again and found out the truth for themselves.... Evaps have color. Don't just blindly believe, and get your hopes up for nothing. For the sake of your own heart.

I'll include a pic of one of my own evaps. This showed at 20 mins, I took the test for fun because I found it in my cupboard, I had finished a normal af (with all negatives before hand) and was not even a little pregnant.

I sincerely hope everyone here gets their bfps, without too much struggle.