Clomid for 5 day challenge?


Hi ladies, I’ve been TTC for about 14 months. I got pregnant this past March but had a missed miscarriage in May (that required a D&C). We haven’t been successful at conceiving again since and given I just turned 41, decided to go in for testing. Because of my age, they’re making me do what’s called a clomid challenge test (where I have to take two pills of clomid every evening for five days and then do a blood test). My insurance requires I “pass” this test to qualify for fertility coverage. In any case, this is my first time taking clomid and within 1-2 hours of taking it, I got nauseous. Kept me up all night and still feel nauseous now. Is this normal? I read only 2% of people get side effects but I think that can’t be right. Thoughts? Advice? I read you can take unisom to help with nauseous but will taht interfere with this “challenge?”

