:((((( anyone??

I’m 3 days late now, and I’m cramping like 5mins then it quits. It’s not a period cramp, it’s more a “have to use the bathroom” cramp. If that makes sense. I’ve had out of breath and extreme tiredness since 11dpo. I then started getting a pain on my lower right side. I thought for sure this time I was pregnant! I took a test at 14dpo. Negative... so I waited. 2 days late I took a test at home. NegTive...now I feel super nauseous and if I don’t eat as soon as I wake up I get super sick. None of these are ever my period symptoms. Maybe moodiness but other than that, that’s it. I’m now 3 days late and that’s not normal for me to be late. I’m hoping I’m pregnant and it’s just not detecting it yet. Any ideas??? After your missed period did anyone gets BFN for a awhile until they got a BFP? I need hope advice??