What did I do? Please read ladies


Last night/day my fiancé and I have a normal day. We go to bed. His alarm goes off he gets ready for work, my alarm goes off, I snooze it bcuz I go to work a little later than him. He kisses me goodbye while I’m still laying down as he is heading out the door, I kiss him back half asleep. This was around 7am. At 9:00am I get a call from him while he’s at work. I’ll recall to the best of my memory the jest for the phone call:

🔹Him: I probably shouldn’t tell you this right now.

🔸Me: why is it something bad?

🔹Him: why would you think that?

🔸Me: because I feel you wouldn’t say that if it’s good news (I feared he had been fired or quit or something, he’s working as a temp at a new job but has potential to rise up and has a history or quitting jobs)

🔹He says, might be bad news for you. Not for me. And I was confused but he said, I just need you to listen. The tone and message of his call was to inform me that he is loyal and faithful and if I ever cross him or hurt him in this relationship he will hurt me. He didn’t specify physical or emotional or psychological but either way it felt like a threat and it was REALLY random. I asked him if something had happened to him at work (he does labor work with only other men and always complains that all they talk about is women). His response was, I just need to to listen, it’s for your win good. I asked if he had a bad dream he ignored that too. I asked why would you call to say something like that? And he’s just like, it’s for your own good. You need to know this. I can be a terrible person if I don’t read the Bible and keep scripture. Mind you, I bring us to church and bible study every Sunday and every Wednesday for bible study if I’m not working. And yesterday night I was just reading scripture aloud and discussing it with him🤔 this is sooo random. We’ve called or text each other b4 just to say “I love you” now today he calls just to say “cross me and I’ll hurt you”? That damaging I do have plans to talk to him after work and makes the necessary changes in this relationship if need be. This was a very disturbing phone call to me and he didn’t even explain why.

He almost hinted toward the fact that I’d lie to cheat on him and I’ve never done any such thing😦ever! I work, he works, we live together, share one car😑 how and why would I break his trust? What do you make of this ladies?