7 month old, Seperation Anxiety

Hello moms so im hoping i can get advice and much help, Im a first time SAHM but this is my 2nd baby. I never had an issue with my first because i was working and lived near my family and my husbands who would watch her but we now have moved an hour away and my husband ended up finding a good job to support us so i could stay home ( it really wasn't a choice ) he works really long shifts so im at home with our now 7 month old and our 6 yr old but shes in school so its mainly my son and i at home.

Becoming a SAHM was really hard to adjust i must admit and having a c - section right when my husband had to start working was a bigger adjustment but i managed and got a pretty good routine going but now the issue is i believe my son has seperation anxiety which i understand he's with me literally 24/7 but im starting to feel drained. He has his good days and then it gets bad, if i walk away to use the restroom and he sees me he will literally scream and cry and as soon as im back in sight it stops. This past weekend we were with my husbands family and he would not let anyone hold him without crying because he noticed i was sitting across from him and not the one holding him, How do i cope with this or start to ease up on it? He's fine when i leave to the store and he's with my husband but it gets really hard when i need to get things done. I think it hurts a little more that everyone shoots their hand up to watch my daughter whenever we're in town but refuse to be with my son.. i know its not their job but it hurts. Will it continue to be like this when he's older or is it just a stage.?