A Christmas Miracle 🎄

Don’t know why, but every awesome and memorable surprises I’ve experienced has always happened around Christmas - For example, the hubby proposed on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>.

I gave up on TTC this month when we didn’t conceive in November. I wanted to enjoy the holidays, you know, eat and drink whatever.

It’s funny though, when I told the hubby that we should think about doing IVR, he freaked out and adamantly refused to do anything with a cup.

And what do you know, one of his swimmers was successful after 6 years of not preventing and only 3 months of solid Ttc.🏊‍♂️

Only about 5 weeks now, but hopefully the little bean sticks. I’m a bit nervous as I have Graves’ disease, so only told two people, my sister and my husband in case it doesn’t - and now all of you. Lol!