Pregnant confused and it's driving me crazy

Anastasia • 22, Russian
So my boyfriend (27) and I (22) just found out I was pregnant 3 days ago. I was the only child and have always wanted a kid. I spent the last few years babysitting just to be able to spend as much time with babies as possible. Being pregnant is amazing but we are both completely not ready for it. We know our life will change forever, we are scared, we have debt, are in a small studio apartment and don't make a lot of money even though he works 7 days a week and I'm working too. 
I know ideally we wanted a kid in 2-3 years and he wants me to have a pregnancy where I don't have to work, where we have money for Doctors and don't struggle every day to provide for the baby once he's born. 
We are so torn apart, we cry every time we talk about this. It seems to be the hardest thing in the world for us to make this decision. We're so not ready. And I'm still really early and we talked about me taking a pill but everytime I think about it I just start crying. 
I'm not religious; I'm normally pro-choice. But I just can't make this choice and it's breaking my heart...