Feeling Off

Hannah • 🌹Hannah🌹

*I was not sure where to post this, so I apologize if it’s in the wrong group*

So here’s some back story, I had my daughter in December 2018, everything went fine and dandy.

In August 2019 I had an abortion, everything seemed fine and they changed my birth control pill from the Mini Pill to Sprintec.

The next month I had SEVERE cramps that were making me physically unable to work from the pain and sickness.

I made an appointment with my OBGYN that week. They said it can take 3 months for your body to really regulate to the BC. I told them I can’t go through that pain again, so I basically forced them to change my birth control pill brand, otherwise they were just gonna let it be. (This was sometime in October)

Now after a month of being on the new BC, my period is 2 weeks late. It’s also super light and lasted around 3 days. Which I thought was great, better than my 5 heavier days I’m used to.

Now, 2 weeks later I’m back to having the severe cramps, where I literally just want to curl in a ball and die.

So if you’ve followed along and read this post, thank you! Do you have any advice or have you gone through something similar?