Help! Skincare for EXTREMELY sensitive skin?

Whenever I try and wash my face with anything other than a cleansing wipe it just explodes the next day. I’ve even tried really expensive products for ultra-sensitive skin and my skin is MAD 24h later. Even facials for sensitive skin... look glowy immediately after but after I sleep, ohhhh boy. I don’t know what to do... even showering will set it off sometimes.

As an experiment, over the summer I traveled around Ireland and Scotland and didn’t clean my face at all besides just water, and it was the clearest I’ve ever seen it. No breakouts at all!

Still, my doctor and mom (I’m a high school senior) think I should wash my face with product, do moisturizing and cleaning and the whole shebang. Do you guys have any product recommendations? It feels like whatever I put on just makes it angrier.

Oh yeah- it doesn’t get used to it either :( in the past I’ve tried to wash every day for a few months and the acne and irritation just built and built until I looked absolutely horrendous.

Does anybody else have this problem? Any products to try? Help! 😖