My mother broke the news before I did.


So little back story. I'm pregnant after a miscarriage in September this year. I'm 9 weeks. And I told my mom and my fiance's mom thinking they could know. I held off on telling everyone else in my family until I heard the heart beat and got further along. My family is close so I was going to tell everyone on the holidays since my babys heart rate is strong and I passed the mark I lost my first one. Well 2 days before christmas my mother puts a post on facebook announcing I'm pregnant. Now my friends know and my family knows and they are all excited. I asked my mom what made her think that was ok when I havent even posted it and was keeping it to strictly only limited family only since I had a miscarriage. Her response was "well that's my grandbaby and maybe you shouldnt be so cold hearted and be more excited about having a baby and let me be excited as your mother". I tried to explain that I am excited. I just dont want everyone to get their hopes up until I'm further along. Plus it's my buisness to tell. And a facebook post for everyone?! She has already told me I'm sucking the fun out of it for her as a mom bc I wont let her go to the ultrasounds with us. I explained that if there is bad news that i just want us to know and tell ppl on our time. Not her find out right away. She thinks that is just so wrong. At this point I dont even want her in the delivery room and I know telling her that might mean she flips. But am I wrong for being so upset over this? Am I really just being selfish and cold hearted like she says? Am I taking this miscarriage to far? Should she be this involved in my drs appts? To her I'm just ruining the excitement and not letting her be a grandmother. And that every grandparent goes through this stuff with their kid. But I want to keep info and special moments with my fiance first. My fiance's mom is excited but asks for updates and pictures and even kept it from my fiance's dad. I mean I cant take back my family and literally everyone knowing now. I just hope everything stays healthy with this baby so I dont crush their excitement like before. But it's been an on going argument for 2 days now because she feels I'm depriving her of being a grandmother. I personally think she needs to learn boundaries and that I've been long an adult.

PS. She cried historically when I said no to going with us to ultrasounds and called me cold. Also she knew from the start I didnt want anyone to know yet.