We had our baby- & it's a GIRL!! Luna Violet 💗

Sarah • Been with hubby 7 years & married 3. Luna Violet 💗 horn Oct 2015 (conceived with glow help!) & River Elijah 💙 born Aug 19 2017! Both natural !! 🎉
We did it & ITS A GIRL! We had our baby girl Luna Violet on the 16th! 7 lb 7 oz! & we barely made it to the hospital on time. 
Little Luna sure made her entrance into the world with an insanely fast and pretty lucky labor and delivery! Below is a quick summary of our labor & delivery you can read my full birth story under the birth stories group. 
After a super fast early labor at home by the time Lauren my doula arrived at my house I had recently already had my bloody show, water broke and was already in transition. All within about an hour. For a FTM we did not plan this (they say labor takes so much longer) nor did we realize how far along we were when she got there. She later told me I was probably already 7cm. She amazingly somehow got me in the car with nothing but a barely there robe draped over me & we finally got to head to the hospital like I had planned to do the hour before but physically could NOT. On the way to the hospital I started uncontrollably pushing in the car. Lauren, noticed this and had to teach me how to NOT push! (Something my classes never taught haha). When we got to the birthing center, I was pushing (although trying not to) and they quickly wheeled me into our room.
My midwife checked me on arrival: 
I was already at 10 cm and baby's head was at a 3! 
(She told me later she never had anyone arrive at 10 cm...)
Wow. Well we had made it to the hospital AND I had all my support people there! That's the only thing I knew at the time and that's the only thing that mattered. I had my wonderwoman midwife, my fairy godmother/doula, and my superhero husband. I could do this. I was ready to birth this baby. 
I already had the pushing urges so once allowed to push things naturally went. AND I got to watch it all on the mirror as encouraged by my midwife. I just have to say- what a beautiful and amazing process birth is! I even touched her head while she was crowning!
We had gotten to the birth center at around 1:30 and had little Luna within two hours. We did birth all naturally like planned but my dreams of a water birth were no longer. My husband joked during delivery, "Well, Sarah. We got the tub room." (Side note: my hospital has 1 tub room) LOL! The whole staff laughed. We didn't even have time to run the water! Maybe next time. 
She is the best thing that's ever happened to us. 
Words cannot express. 
All I can say is birth is amazing. Pretty scary, but amazing. And no matter how much you plan & prepare, sometimes the universe just has its own plans. 
 Good luck to all my fellow pregnant mommas out there- you can do this!  
And most recently I can't believe she's already 1 week old!Â