Was This Friendship Mildly Abusive?

I used to have a very close knit group of friends. Recently, I was entirely cut off because I perused a relationship with someone who didn’t fit their ideals (we are extremely happy together and my current friends believe we’re a good couple).

They then proceeded to try and get us removed from a local group which we all attended regularly and were essentially told to F off by said group leaders.

These friends would not allow me to be friends or interact with people they did not like, and if I expressed any views they didn’t like I was reprimanded (we had similar political ideologies, but weren’t exactly the same, and if they were slightly different they got mad).

If I tried talking to new people, they would greatly dramatise “bad” things said people did. An example being, one of my ex-friends was at a party with a current friend, and that friend made a sex related joke. Ex-friend made it sound like it was made to make them uncomfortable, when I have know learnt it was nothing to do with them.

Was this an abusive friendship? Or am I in the wrong?