How do you break away from strict rules?

So I’m 19 years old (turning 20 this upcoming September) . I have a job, go to college, have had nothing but As and Bs and am really responsible. My parents are strict as hell though and it’s honestly so tiring. I’m not allowed to do anything honestly. Not allowed to stay out past midnight unless I want 20+ texts and calls, not allowed to sleep over at anyone’s house, not allowed to talk on the phone late, not allowed to get any piercings (I got a tattoo and my mother still guilt-trips me about it). I’m not allowed to show cleavage, buy lingerie, nothing. I’m allowed to do nothing that a normal woman my age should have the right to do. I want to break away from this because I thought it would change when I got older but it hasn’t. I feel so controlled and consumed and not able to be my own person. Has anyone dealt with this? How do I break away? Pls help