Please help.. so confused and devestated


On Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> I took a cheap Tesco test and got a faint line was so excited as after 3 years I assumed I wouldn’t have children. Yesterday, on Christmas Day morning I took a Tesco make digital and got ‘Pregnant’ was so excited I told my partner as a sort of Xmas present and was overwhelmed, it felt like a Christmas miracle and made it the best Christmas Day ever!! But this morning, after having what felt like period cramps all through the night, I went to get a clear blue digital and it has said ‘Not Pregnant’ I bought it for the weeks indicator and didn’t expect that result at all. I feel so stupid 😭 and me and my partner are absolutely devastated as clear blue are a very good brand so they must be right 😭 and after this I decided to look up the reviews for the Tesco own make digital test and they’re awful, so it’s looking as if I’m not 😭 I let myself get so excited and I feel so stupid. I was wondering if anybody has had not pregnant from clear blue weeks indicator but turned out to be?