Heart monitoring - when should I be concerned

I’m 26 and have been having concerns of my heart - palpitations, racing heart, etc. My dr has mentioned my high heart rate in appts as well but by the end it’s come down. I’ve even had a quick EKG in my primary care dr office and all was fine.

Long story short I got the newest Fitbit and have been watching my heart but I’m not sure what’s considered high or to be cause for concern. Usually my heart rate rests between 87-93 but this morning my resting was 134. Which when I was in the ER a couple months ago they mentioned I had a little “tachycardia” as my heart was up at 111. So I’m assuming 134 is concerning??

Idk just have been having quite a few health issues (I am currently being seen by specialists) but not sure if this is something I should seriously get checked out and see someone about my heart and wear the monitor for a week to watch it.

* I hadn’t had any caffeine when my heart was up to 134 this morning and had been up for a few hours already. It actually lowered after starting to drink my coffee? I do have anxiety too but was not and have not had any feelings of anxiety lately! *