Praying for you to stay

I know nobody can tell me the correct answer to this. I just want your opinions and thoughts only. I cannot stop being paranoid about losing my baby. I’m 5 weeks exactly today. I had a chemical pregnancy in July. I tested a day after missed period, the positive line was super faint. I was testing every 2 days and the line never got dark. One morning I tested again and the line was pretty much gone. Sure enough dr confirmed it didn’t make it. I was only like 4 weeks. I also had no symptoms. So over a week ago I tested, again just like in June a day after missed period. My lines are dark and they keep getting darker every 2 days. The last couple have been darker than the control line. I actually have symptoms this time. So far I’ve made it through this pregnancy longer than the first time. Based ONLY on your opinions and thoughts, do you personally believe this baby will stick? I know a lot of people don’t believe test lines indicate anything, I personally do only cause that’s how I knew I lost it. The super fainted line. I just really want this baby to stick so badly. He’s my test from June, the chemical pregnancy. And then my test from this morning

Can barely see anything unless you squint! It never got any darker than this gotta squint

From today