Operation Baby 🤰🏽🍼 *long story sorry*
Hi just wanted to share my <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> journey so far
My and my boyfriend have been ttc’n for 2.5 years now. We have had everything checked and everything is fine only problem we have is I have PCOS & long cycles ranging from 35-40 days.
We’ve tried timed intercourse many many times with letrozole, clomid, and a combo of both. Every cycle I grew only 1 dominate follicle and never got pregnant.
We moved on to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>, the 1st and 2nd cycles was unsuccessful but the 3rd one we finally got pregnant but ended in a chemical 😢 so we decided to just move on to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>
Nov 4th I started stims baseline i had more the 20 on both ovaries and I stimmed for 14 long day lol (didn’t have any symptoms but feelings of fullness) I was going to the doctors every other day because they wanted to monitor me very closely from be being young and pcos (hyper stimulation was a big concern)
My estrogen levels day 4 of stims to day 12
Day 4- 256 Day 6-1053 day 7-1095 day8- 1793 day 10-2607 day 11- 4592 day 12-5275. Nov 16th day 13 my levels were 9529 got the green light to trigger (2 step trigger with Lupron instead of hcg)
Had egg retrieval Nov 18. Was admitted over night for observation for possible OHSS everything was good got to go home the next morning.
21 eggs retrieved (had more but they stopped retrieving them)
11 were mature (ICSI)
9 fertilized
8 made it to blastocyst
Since we decided to do a frozen transfer with no genetic testing to the embryos, My doctor told me I should get a period in 2 weeks maybe 3 from my estrogen being super high. Fast forward to Dec.8th almost 3 weeks later I’m still waiting for my period to start. I notice my chested hurting really bad when I leaned against something so I took a test on my lunch break (I work in a lab) & it came back positive immediately. I was so shocked
Monday Dec.9th went in for blood work came back @ 3,632. Dec.12th i went in for a ultrasound to make sure it wasn’t multiples 😳 ended up only being 1 baby measuring 5 weeks 3 days. We were so excited!! The following blood work wasn’t looking to good went from 3632, 3685,3277,3912. Went back in for another scan @6 weeks 1 day & baby wasn’t growing anymore 😪. So I’m here still waiting for my body to miscarry naturally @7 weeks 3 days and I just started spotting today.

I just wanted to share my “spontaneous conception” which is rare while in the middle of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> story to maybe help someone else and share a very interesting story with everyone else. Baby dust to all you amazing women out there and may 2020 be a better chapter for us ✨✨
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.