NEED ADVICE PLEASE!! First day running


So I have sports induced asthma, I’ve had it since I was 11 and got in a bike crash that damaged my esophagus. I never got the issue checked until I was 18 ( 1 year ago) and I was given an albuterol inhaler to take 15 minutes before physical activity. My asthma attacks have been becoming more frequent so I decided to fight back and start running. I went out to run a mile today but I think it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I took my inhaler beforehand but I could barely make it 0.1 mile without having to stop and rest. My legs felt like jello and it took me 30 minutes to run the mile. Is this normal??

A few notes to consider:

- It is 30 degrees outside ( I know something about the temperature can make it harder/easier to breath)

- I had to walk more than I actually ran

- This is my first day running

- I am in no way out of shape, I am tall and lean and I’m at the perfect weight for my height