Water broke - at the hospital now!


My water broke around 7pm tonight. Was a normal day...no indication of labour or anything different. I was sitting on the couch watching TV, but I was massaging my nipples at the same time. This was probably the 3rd or 4th time I've tried nipple stimulation this week though.

Left for the hospital immediately...but I'm only a fingertip dilated. They have me walking around the hallways and/or bouncing on an exercise ball. Just a waiting game for tonight! The doctor will check me in a bit...I don't think he will start the oxytocin until the morning. He wants me to see if my body will do this on its own.

I'm FTM and 39+6 - tomorrow is my due date and it looks like she will be born tomorrow!

I should also mention that at my doctor's appointment on Tuesday my cervix was completely closed and the doctor said I would probably go 10 days over!